Relationship, Family, Sleep, Health, Life Cycle ReDiscovery

Human Design is not here to change the world around you, but to stay awake and live your truth or not is your own experiential practice in everyday reality. No one and no mental knowledge can do anything for you, you have to try, test, and live it for yourself.

The art of healing is in slowness, an ongoing space in between waiting and happening - what you are ready for will happen when your body and mind are at ease to flow with life. How to be an objective witness of your own life, unlearn the habitual patterns of your mind, and dive deeper into your unique healing are my offerings hopefully could be of value to your self-reflective integration.

Love & Truth : Partnership/Relationship ReSeeing

Love demands truth. Love is a challenge for truth to mature.

Meet the mystery of your relationship, and discover your truth and their truth with respect and acceptance.

Could you love who you are when in partnership/relationship with one another? What is love versus relationship? What is the repetitive pattern in your love story? Why do we feel attracted to some people, but not to others? Why does one relationship fade away and others last for decades?

Our past conditioning can bring challenges and suffering to our relationships. This relationship analysis is not about fixing, guilting, shaming, blaming or faulting, but about how we can ‘process’ the experience and learn from it. You will be supported to see your reality clearly and confront the existing truth in your current relationship dynamics.

Watch: Demystifying Marriage & Power of Rejection

Listen to: Relationship Analysis and Relationship Trauma

Relationship Discovery : $226 USD (2 hours)
*Prerequisite - Individual Analysis

Childhood Rebirthing : Family Constellation Overview

Do you really understand who your parents/children/siblings are? Why have you been struggling with family dynamics? Why were you not loved the way you wanted?

Family conditionings bring the deepest challenges and sufferings at our epigenetic level. Through our connection to the family, we learn to deny ourselves: repressing emotions not to be accepted by family members in order to avoid exclusion, abandonment or punishment.

“The roots of our conditioning are all coming from the ‘home’ where our life originated. The family is where we start ‘giving up’ our uniqueness in order to not feel inadequate for those we so dearly need and love. It is the place where we learn to think and behave like our parents, or to role model for our children in the most homogenized, socially desirable supposed-to-be way.” - Alokanand Diaz

This Family Constellation Analysis package will unravel all the mystery you have been waiting to discover for yourself, helping you receive powerful healing for generational trauma and childhood wounding.

Watch Nanxi’s personal family analysis sharing

Family Overview : $462 USD (4.5 hours)
3 Sessions: Children Analysis + Partnership Analysis + Family Analysis
Parent ReEducation

Parenting Re-Education

Let your children be who they are for themselves. Let your love for your children come from the place of who you are for yourself at a human-to-human level, rather than the homogenized ‘love’ out of obligation.

This is the educational package helps every parent to learn who their children truly are, and what potential challenges you might have to confront when living with your children.

When you understand the mechanics of who you become in relation to who your children are, you can support your children by aligning your care giving to their correct genetic expression from the Human Design lens and its Primary Health System. This will enable you to support the cognitive, environmental, psychological, and physical wellbeing of your loved ones.

Listen to Nanxi’s Podcast on Demystifying Motherhood Wounding

Watch Nanxi’s personal sharing on her motherhood re-education through Human Design

Children Analysis : $162 USD (1.5 hours)
*Prerequisite: Parents needs to have their Individual Analysis done

DreamRave Analysis : All About Sleeping

Do you want to know how to sleep correctly? 

Why and how you dream? Why you have certain sleeping patterns as you do? How is your sleeping state conditioned? How can you support yourself to wake up to live the full potential of your unique design without carrying the distorted frequency of the sleeping state?

As humans, we spend a third of our lives sleeping, yet few people understand how to sleep uniquely as who we are for our differentiated design. This useful and practical Human Design mentoring can help you sleep correctly and care for your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing in everyday life.

When we don’t sleep correctly, we don’t wake up as our true self to function in the mundane living. And when we don’t live correctly as ourselves during the day, we can’t have a restorative sleep to nourish our body. This creates the most unconscious looping cycle for human suffering.

Note: DreamRave Analysis needs to be taken after your Foundational Analysis, which guides you to live correctly during the day while DreamRave is showing you the night force conditioning.

Sleep Analysis : $162 USD (1.5 hours)
*Prerequisite: Individual Foundational Analysis

Primary Health System (PHS) : Food & Environment

Are you living in correct environment? Do you know how to eat according to your genetic imprint? 

Are there any ongoing health challenges? Are there any habitual health issues you have been seeking for solution?

I have been a nutrition therapist for decades, yet none of what I learned helped myself and my daughter’s health issues until I met the Human Design system. The Primary Health System (PHS) mentoring healed my daughter’s eating and sleeping disorder magically after five years of struggling for every conventional medical treatment we tried. It also resolved my digestive issue and eating disorder. This is why I would recommend PHS mentoring to people in addition to the Foundational Human Design analysis.

Note: PHS Analysis needs to be taken after your Foundational Analysis, which guides you to your decision making strategy and inner authority while PHS is supporting you to re-align to the cognitive potential of your brain and function uniquely in your body.

PHS Analysis : $162 USD (1.5 hours)
*Prerequisite: Individual Foundational Analysis

Life Cycle Analysis : Saturn, Uranus, Kiron

Are you aware of how much you are influenced by major life cycles, which shapes what costumes you might wear and what movie script you might play at different phases of life?

There are many cycles that impact our regular human life, such as the Moon cycle that repeats every 28 days and the daily transit from the Sun which influences how we live, feel and relate. In addition, there are three major life cycles (Saturn, Uranus, Kiron) that often gives us some shattering to awaken us to our conscious growth and development.

The first phase lasts from birth until about 30 years of age – the 1st Saturn Return – where the psychological umbilical cord is uprooted from within. This is the first real step to take one’s life into one’s own hands. Until this point everything was a kind of rehearsal within your own subjectivity - who you think you should be according to your family/cultural programming. Saturn return is the time where it is YOU, who is going to start growing up to pay for your mistakes.

Anywhere between 38 – 43 years of age we experience the most radical change in perspective a human being goes through in the entire life. It is called the ‘Uranus Opposition’ and it splits our lives literally in two halves. During that period, our perspective goes from focusing on ‘where we think we come from’ to focusing on ‘where we think we are moving towards’.

In the first half of the life, we need to accommodate in our consciousness everything that is a part of the world that we were born into, while in the second half we need to find the determination to make our individual contribution that will allow us to leave our footsteps behind after we disappear forever.

The Kiron Return basically represents the potential flowering of wisdom. The ‘wisdom’ here is not the homogenized expression of consciousness that lead to nothing else than to the hypocrisy of the role models that represent the highest standards of our stagnant societies.

The myth of Kiron is the myth of the ‘wounded healer’, which so deeply reveals the vanity and futility of the Not-Self, always ready to sacrifice for others and completely unable to look after itself as the socially desirable ‘role model’.

Loving oneself is a form of enlightened selfishness that is never against anyone. - Alok

Kiron Return is the most challenging of all three phases, because it depends completely on how well the previous two (Saturn & Uranus) have been integrated with self-reflective awareness.

Without observing your lessons and gifts from your major life cycles, you might feel that life starts to break down as it continues to meet all the things that have hurt it in the past and still does not know how to handle in the now.

Note: Cycle Analysis needs to be taken after your Foundational Analysis.

Cycle Analysis : $200 USD (2 hours)
*Prerequisite: Individual Foundational Analysis