
1:1 Sessions

Foundational Human Design Discovery

Transformation is a dying discovery — transforming ending to beginning. No matter how much you dislike your previous identity or not, you are still attaching to who you were.

What shapes who you are? What causes how you react and why you do what you do in life?

What’s your purpose and direction for work, love, and living?

An introductory overview to unfold how you can live your authentic self through your Human Design map, demystifying - what you are is beyond who you think you are. You will be guided through a personal exploration of your past and present in the art of your own unique BodyGraph in two steps:

  • firstly, to recognize your not-self theme, in which your mind might perceive problems and suffering

  • then to discover your unique nature - your true self, revealing how you can live your life with greater awareness, self-acceptance, and a deeper sense of purpose.

Session includes:

  • Initial consultation/assessment

  • Bespoke Human Design Overview (2 hours)

Watch to how Human Design might help you

Online via Zoom
Cost : $200 USD

Mentoring & Therapeutic Integration

If you are looking for continued support to live your truth in everyday reality, you can assimilate other therapeutic modalities to dive deeper into your unique healing journey. You might experience my unique therapeutic approach combining psychotherapy and hypnotherapy.

This could be used as de-conditioning care offered for those after the foundational overview, as the first few years after your encounter with Human Design could be challenging because many of us might find it hard to continue life the same way as it used to be.

Online via Zoom
Cost : $126 USD (1 hour) $162 (1.5 hour)
*could be used as subsequent follow up sessions after Foundational Discovery

Relationship, Family, Sleep, Health, Cycle Analysis

Meet the mystery of your relationship/family stories, and discover your truth and their truth with respect and acceptance.

  • Could you love who you are when in partnership/relationship with one another?

  • Do you really know who your parents/siblings are? Why have you been struggling with family dynamics? Why were you not loved the way you wanted?

How to sleep correctly? 

  • Why and how you dream? Why you have certain sleeping patterns as you do?

Are you eating according to your unique genetic imprint? 

  • Any health challenges? How do you know what your body truly needs for food and environment?

Is your life shifting to a new cycle? 

  • Are you aware of the life cycle (Saturn, Uranus, Kiron) and yearly Solar return’s impact on how you feel and behave? Could you see the “movie script” you are playing in with challenges and lessons to learn?

We can tailor each advanced analysis session for your relationship/family issues, parenting support, sleeping pattern analysis, dietary regime & environment (PHS), Cycle Analysis, and/or other concerns for your mental, emotional, or physical wellbeing.

Discover Advanced Analysis here

Course: Living Your Truth - Embodied Awareness Immersion

Do you know who you truly are? Are you loved enough? Do you know how to love yourself?

There is nothing wrong with you. Be your unique differentiated self. Why not live your life according to your truth?

We were never taught enough on how to love ourselves, and how to love who we truly are as a uniquely living human without propaganda of love for duty/obligation/identity/role. However, the paradox is - if you don’t know who you are, you don’t know who to love as you are.

This unique one year educational immersion could be considered as your own rebirthing process for a transformative empowered relationship with yourself - to accept the totality of you are as this AND that/shadow AND light, and love starts from true acceptance. It provides an experiential dive to explore how you could be aligned with your authenticity - living your truth.

This special course includes Penta/Family Constellation Workshop, Relationship Analysis, Life Cycle review, and DreamRave Sleep Clinic.

Primary Health System (PHS) & Foundational Overview for Children

The Human Design system is ideal for children, especially the Primary Health System (PHS). With supportive, conscious parenting, PHS can determine the unique differentiated potential of every child to live as its unique design.

It is extremely critical that infants and toddlers are fed correctly according to their genetic imprint because their developmental neurone capacity reaches fixation under the age of seven.  Dietary regimen is not only about food, but also about how we digest food and live according to our bio-individuality. When we nourish our brain with the correct food for digestion, we can nurture our cognitive potential to think, learn and interact with life - with less homogenized conditioning which causes physical, mental and emotional illness. 

Session includes:

  • Initial consultation/assessment

  • Bespoke Children’s Foundation & PHS Overview (1.5 hour)

  • Follow-up email/audio support for the parent’s implementation of their unique PHS regimen

Listen to Nanxi’s sharing on her motherhood re-learning story through Human Design, and PHS sharing here for more information on how PHS saved her and her daughter’s health problems.

Online via Zoom
Cost : $162 USD

Koha/Donation for Children’s Reading

As a single mom with two children, I have left behind that which no longer served me, and rebirthed into the new cycle of me since encountering the Human Design system. Growing up like an orphan with a struggling single mother, gave me the motivation to offer unconditional support for women suffering in the midst of life’s crises and turning points, especially those with young children.

If you are committed to learning to love yourself by living your truth with the support of Human Design, email me to enquire about a koha reading for your children. If you are in financial difficulty, I can gift you a free session.

Online via Zoom
Cost : Koha (donation)

Pricing options for special support

No one is turned away for lack of funds. I had been in poverty and mind-perceived-financial-crisis to survive, yet none of my fear stopped me from freedom to wonder — who I am for myself. In fact, those moments where I lost in survival fear showed me the ‘ok-ness’ of being a 9-centered human — when you trust life, life will give you what is needed just enough to be you. Nothing more and nothing less is needed for you to be alive as you. I hope what I do is worthwhile for you to find your own ease and purpose of living with trust in unknowing and unfolding.

Koha (donation) is possible if you are willing to unlearn to learn, to love yourself by living your truth, and are in need for support - email me to discuss a suitable rate.