Living Your Truth -
Trauma Healing Immersion 

Life’s purpose is to find one self, know yourself, and returning home to who you are.

This is not a course for fixing yourself to be normal or to improve yourself to be better than who you already are. This is a course about awareness and acceptance.

Could you love what it is to be you?

How to be authentic you and enjoy it; how to live honestly in every day life and be fulfilled in your differences; how to be your unique self and not have problems with normal people and with the fact that the world continues to be a normal homogenised place. The world doesn’t need to awake when you awake. The world is only the world, you have the whole life of your own.

There is no absolute truth, but only the truth that matters to you in your unique life. Real wisdom can only come from your own realised experience. This unique one year, self-realisation immersion is about your experience in making decisions as yourself, respecting your nature, and liberating the mind from unnecessary sufferings.

There is nothing wrong with you. Be your unique differentiated self. Why not live your life according to your own truth?

What’s included in this year long immersion

“How natural it is that people’s mental curiosity can actually carry their attention away from the simple truths that can be applied on a daily basis.” - Alokanand Diaz

Why do we have to complicate the simply living truth with more intellectual certainty? How much of what you think you know has manipulated your experience of being you?

More is less, less is more.

What if there was a way to understand the underlying patterns and energies that affect how we feel, what we think, what we like or dislike, who we are attracted to or find challenges with, how we are relating ourselves to others?

If you want to understand everything about the humbling truth of being a human, the psychology, sociology, anthropology, biology, genetics, quantum physics, cosmology…this is the course for you.

This is the course I wish I could have learned since my childhood - to understand who I am, why I am the way I am, and how I became who I were not. Yet I don’t want to ‘teach’ the course for feeding the vanity of the mind. Information is not knowledge, knowledge is not wisdom. Wisdom comes from life, not the mind’s bypass.

The Human Design system is not here to be manipulated as another new-age religion for you to believe it. The common trap is that once people learned some knowledge, they tend to make their experience what they believe in. This is not what truth is about, truth is in your living not knowing.

How we humans could be so lost in addiction to the ‘knowledge as power’ trap, especially given our information-packed world today, that we had an obsession for instant possession of knowledge without enough experiential integration allowed for our embodied awareness.

Listen to my sharing on what Human Design is not

I trust everyone having the mutative potential to be empowered in self-reflective teaching, so I offer this observational “human lab” for a year to give participants experimental time for realised truth instead of conceptual belief.

De-conditioning Immersion

We do not find ourselves; we simply stop being who we are not.

The de-conditioning part of the course is here to grow our recognition and transformation that can radically alter our view of life and our place in it.

Healing trauma is in the slowness.

What is your unique trauma trigger? How have you attached to what you didn’t have? What’s your relationship to childhood wounding? Can you see your truth in suffering?

I trust everyone having the mutative potential to be empowered in self-reflective teaching, so I offer this observational “human lab” for a year to give participants experimental time for realised truth instead of conceptual belief.

Living Your Truth Immersion Includes:

  • 64 recorded class on I-Ching’s hexagram through the lens of Trauma healing (every six days)

  • 12 two-hour live lectures monthly via Zoom (24 hours)

  • 12 live Q & A follow-up classes monthly (18 hours)

  • 12 Movement & Art Therapy Live classes monthly (18 hours)

  • 24 Feldenkrais Awareness through movement sessions fortnightly (24 hours)

  • Quarterly workshops according to the seasonal theme in the human experience, including Sleep/Dream Clinic, Relationship Analysis, Family Dynamic, and Life Cycles

  • Specialty #1 DreamRave Sleep Clinic (3 hours) - Quarter 1

  • Specialty #2 Relationship Analysis (4 hours) - Quarter 2

  • Specialty #3 Penta/Family Constellation workshop (4 hours) - Quarter 3

  • Specialty #4 Life Cycle workshop (3 hours) - Quarter 4

  • one personalised 1:1 mentoring session

  • Bonus Live Follow Up Monthly Q & A de-conditioning support for subsequent year

    *Bonus sessions are complimentary offerings after the immersion.

You will study - Curriculum:

  • Trauma intensive: a whole year immersion on Trauma symptoms and healing

  • Rave I-Ching - 64 Gates/Hexagram, this will be a year long learning to consciously experience the impact of Sun’s transit through the Mandala wheel on our daily life

  • BodyGraph - Centers (we will explore the paradox of True Self versus Not Self for each centre)

  • Circuitry - demystify the logic, abstract/emotional, and individual characteristics within each of us

  • Aura - Types (what’s the energetic frequency of you, and how we relate through energetic conditioning)

  • Authority - which energetic part of your body is trustworthy for you to make differentiated decision for your unique life

  • Strategy - the art of waiting, correctness versus awareness, and how to navigate life with human interaction

  • Profile - what’s your unique role to play in life (learning the behaviour code for each of the 6 lines)

4 Seasonal Workshops

We will meet quarterly for extended workshops on demystifying sleep/dream, relationship, family, and life cycles.

I benefited profoundly from the Penta workshop (Family Constellation Clinic) and Relationship Analysis training for my distorted blaming/guilting stories about my family and ex-partnerships. The DreamRave (Sleep Clinic) ended my decades of insomnia and helped me let go of my dogmatic beliefs in how we ‘should’ sleep and why we dream, which has nothing to do with the conventional psycho-analysis approach to dream therapy.

In addition, we will end the year long program with the Life Cycle workshop, where you would be guided to explore - how the three distinct human life cycles (Saturn, Uranus Opposition, Kiron) could bring changes for you to feel like a different person with new identity/direction/relationships. How you could pick up lessons and gifts from each life cycle movie for the totality of what you are here to fulfil as your life’s unique purpose.

This is a year long journey structured in a logical step-by-step self discovery: monthly and weekly classes to help you learn what it is (or not) to be who you are for yourself, then to learn who others are in relationships to you (2nd/3rd Quarters). Once you fall in love with what-it-is as it is being you, it doesn’t matter what’s in the coming (4th Quarter to study life cycle for transformation). When you enjoy who you are, you can enjoy who you are in becoming.

Watch a few recorded lecture examples from previous years below:

Specialty #1 : DreamRave (Sleep) Workshop

Whatever happens during the hours of sleep has always remained a mystery, yet should be the top priority of a human’s daily functioning.

You can’t live your truth if you don’t wake up to your truth without knowing the sleep state conditioning. This is why the DreamRave mechanic is introduced in Quarter 1, to help you understand how we became vulnerably receptive during our sleep state to suffer another distorted reality.

This special workshop will provide you with the tangible and logical perspective to objectively understand your own dream dynamics as a primary source of conditioning, hence bringing you deep relief from being trapped in your dreams and supporting you to wake up freshly to live your true nature.

Specialty #2 : Relationship Workshop

Why do we suffer most from partnerships?
What’s the purpose of your relationship?

How has your partnership served your truth of ‘knowing oneself’?

We have illusion and idealism of what love is and how relationships 'should/must/supposed’ to be for good or bad. The Human Design system explains the mechanical truth behind the human’s homogenised understanding of love and relationship. How vulnerable we are in our own auric and genetic nature, and how we are trapped in blaming, guilting, shaming and faulting due to lack of understanding for self and the other.

In this relationship workshop at 3rd Quarter of the year, you will learn:

  • how & why we fall in love with each other mechanically

  • what contributes to the conflicts and tensions in our relationships

  • how to survive your individuality while living with another

  • what’s the truth in love

  • how could relationship be in service of your unique being

Specialty #3 : Penta (Family Constellation) Workshop

Can you love without duty?

How many of us truly understand our parents, siblings, and/or our children? Do you know why certain family dynamics were difficult? Family conditionings bring the deepest challenges and sufferings at our epigenetic level.

Everything starts with the family and ends with the individual. Family is the place where almost all of us arrive when we come into the world, and for most human beings, it becomes a fundamental cornerstone of our emotional lives, including all of our attitudes towards money and sex.

It is through our connection to the family that we learn to deny ourselves, recognizing which emotions are going to be accepted and honored by everyone, and which ones are to be removed or repressed in order to avoid exclusion, abandonment or even punishment.

The family is where we start ‘giving up’ our uniqueness in order to not feel inadequate for those we so dearly need and love. It is the place where we learn to think and behave like our parents, or to role model for our children in the most homogenized, socially desirable supposed-to-be way. In other words, the roots of our conditioning are all coming from the ‘home’ where our life originated.

When one understands the structure of the Penta and the way it controls all of us through the invisible power of ‘group/family dynamics’, the distortion of personal blame and shame has no real ground to stand on anymore, and personal liberation becomes simply possible. This is the main goal of this mini-workshop: to accept that what is happening is happening, and what happened has happened. No experience is right, wrong, bad or good, if we can consciously reflect on our past experiences, openly, with curiosity. It’s not about fixing/guilting/shaming/blaming/faulting, but about how we can ‘process’ our childhood experiences and move on from there.

Specialty #4 : Life Cycle Workshop

Are you aware of how much you are influenced by major life cycles, which shapes what costumes you might wear and what movie script you might play at different phases of life?

There are many cycles that impact our regular human life, such as the Moon cycle that repeats every 28 days and the daily transit from the Sun which influences how we live, feel and relate. In addition, there are three major life cycles (Saturn, Uranus, Kiron) that often gives us some shattering to awaken us to our conscious growth and development.

The first phase lasts from birth until about 30 years of age – the 1st Saturn Return – where the psychological umbilical cord is uprooted from within. This is the first real step to take one’s life into one’s own hands. Until this point everything was a kind of rehearsal within your own subjectivity - who you think you should be according to your family/cultural programming. Saturn return is the time where it is YOU, who is going to start growing up to pay for your mistakes.

Anywhere between 38 – 43 years of age we experience the most radical change in perspective a human being goes through in the entire life. It is called the ‘Uranus Opposition’ and it splits our lives literally in two halves. During that period, our perspective goes from focusing on ‘where we think we come from’ to focusing on ‘where we think we are moving towards’.

In the first half of the life, we need to accommodate in our consciousness everything that is a part of the world that we were born into, while in the second half we need to find the determination to make our individual contribution that will allow us to leave our footsteps behind after we disappear forever.

The Kiron Return basically represents the potential flowering of wisdom. The ‘wisdom’ here is not the homogenized expression of consciousness that lead to nothing else than to the hypocrisy of the role models that represent the highest standards of our stagnant societies.

The myth of Kiron is the myth of the ‘wounded healer’, which so deeply reveals the vanity and futility of the Not-Self, always ready to sacrifice for others and completely unable to look after itself as the socially desirable ‘role model’.

“Loving oneself is a form of enlightened selfishness that is never against anyone.” - Alok

Kiron Return is the most challenging of all three phases, because it depends completely on how well the previous two (Saturn & Uranus) have been integrated with self-reflective awareness.

Without observing your lessons and gifts from your major life cycles, you might feel that life starts to break down as it continues to meet all the things that have hurt it in the past and still does not know how to handle in the now.

*most descriptions above come from Alok

Choose from two formats : 1:1 or small group

Small Group

A small group setting, in which we share our collective experiences so we can learn from one another.

Cost: $150 USD monthly over a year

1:1 Private

16 intimate one-on-one Zoom meetings over 12 months, to deeply dive into discovering who you are in the world you live in, with your family/friend’s charts used as examples to demonstrate the experiential knowledge.

Cost: $300 USD monthly over a year

Both formats include a 1:1 Foundational Overview for each participant or any bespoke session, and total of 54 hours of full live sessions, plus the follow-up monthly Q & A online support group meetings for another year. Everyone will receive the recorded live session on the subsequential day. If you are not available for a live session, you will be invited to submit your questions for discussion during the class.

*Payment plan is available, email me to discuss the options.

Notice: the 2024 year long immersion is offered free of charge, but by invitation only. If you are interested, please email to inquire.