Being Different : Human Design Informed Therapy

Do you understand who you truly are — for yourself? 

You deserve to be seen, heard, valued and accepted first and foremost by yourself. You are the only one who can save yourself from where you are at, because you have always been the student and teacher of your own life.

If you are ready for a breakthrough to meet your true self, and willing to unlearn to learn how to live a unique differentiated life called ‘your own life’ with authenticity, then I am here with you.

What is Human Design Informed Therapy

Human Design Informed Therapy is designed to offer you a reflective mirror for you to understand yourself, your mind and your life, exploring:

  • how you have become who you think you are

  • where the roots of your suffering come from

  • how you had been conditioned to be who you were not

  • why you become the way you are in relation to the world around you

  • what were perceived as the absolute rightness or wrongness might not be your truth

  • what your unique truth is in being you

  • how to live in the world as it is while living your authenticity

  • observing what you are here to see

  • unknowing to know how to yield to your innate body wisdom with a rested mind

Through the logical explanation on your own BodyGraph, you will embody a new perspective or a refreshing approach to life, to taste the potential freedom to be true to yourself, to embrace what it is as it is, to accept the limitations and vulnerability of being a human while engaging in your collective everyday reality.

After sessions, clients often report that it has felt like a re-birthing process of self-acceptance and love, with more clarity about any unresolved mystery from their past, and more trust about who they are becoming towards the future. They also mentioned the quality of their relationships have changed, with more self reflective awareness towards the world around them, leading to the powerful healing for relationship problems/trauma.

Blaming, shaming, guilting and faulting dissolved once we understand each other’s biodiversity, where nobody and nothing else needs to be changed once we are at peace with who we already are.

Listen to Nanxi’s sharing on Human Design Informed Therapy

Podcast with James Alexander on what Human Design could be used for

What is Human Design

Knowledge is not Power

Information is not understanding, understanding is not realization, realization is not your living truth.

There might be misunderstanding in the social media these days promoting the Human Design system as some kind of magical pill or mystical knowledge to further strengthen the already-enough-ego-driven mindset. Here I am, as a bullshit detector and struggler for truth, I have no choice but to be honest : Human Design is not that-or-this from our mind’s fixation. It is not going to make you anybody more superior or less deflated than you already are; it is not going to prevent any ongoing challenges which life brings for you to wake up laughing about your uncontrollable reality. It’s an invitation for you to begin your own life long self-explorative journey, to see the truth in yourself - what works and what no longer serves, and to encourage you experiment with where-you-be and what-you-see with more clarity and acceptance as it is.

What I like about Human Design is: it’s not about good or bad/right or wrong/me or you…but everything beyond the perceived separation between this and that.

We grow through what we go through. Human Design offers you a mechanical/logical map to investigate every idea of how you think you should be, so you can confront your own fear and discomfort to meet your own subjective truth which includes the ‘black-and-white’, but were not able to explain why and how you suffered vulnerably as you did. Happiness is never a choice, but unnecessary sufferings are.

Once you step outside the old identities, you can open to experience yourself freshly and creatively as you truly are, which is articulated as the ‘form principle’ to learn to sit back and observe that not everything needs a reaction and you can trust your body. What is yours will find you, the moment you trust your body and your life, they become trustworthy.

There is no guarantee or promise for you to be any better version of you, but to let you embrace the it-is-ness of life, which is your unique taste, smell, acoustic attunement to be in touch with your own being or not being. It’s a solo dance between you and you, your truth and your reality.

Like every other modality, the functionality is in the participant’s own embodied application, not the intellectual identification of what is suppose-to-be or not. Let your own unique experience dissolve your own suspicion/doubt/confusion/judgement, and bring you to a welcoming place of wonder — to what has always been here with you…what never come and go, what is already here, that’s your truth beyond any interpretation.

Listen to Nanxi’s own sharing on:

What Human Design is and not

*Most academic explanation below is referenced from Alokanand Diaz, as I have not found a better way to articulate the Human Design system so precisely as he did. Language and articulation in writing is not my strength, so excuse my helplessness in this and hear me instead of reading me.

The Human Design System is a radically innovative body of knowledge about the Human condition and the nature of being. The main difference from other system is that its fundamental premises are not psychological, neither philosophical nor metaphysical. On the contrary, they rest upon a physical structure that resembles the human form, and out of which emerges all the mechanical and cognitive laws that are used by our genes to organise our physical experience of the world of form and consciously integrate with life at a holistic level.

The individual way in which this BodyGraph is imprinted at birth determines the unique way we embody human potential. It also conditions the perception that we have of ourselves, in relationship to life and to the people in our environment. The functionality of this human structure is entirely mechanical, and therefore free from any slant towards any kind of dogma, since the truth revealed by its configuration can only be accessed individually. This means it can never be the same for any two human beings.

What’s more, the language in which the information is delivered is easy for anyone to understand, because everything that it reveals is inherently human and part of everybody’s daily lives. Instead of giving the rational mind something to believe in, it speaks directly to the potential wariness of each individual - offering a concrete map of the characteristics that determine the tangible and observable nature of a person.


The number of combinations that can emerge out of the genetic matrix of the human species is practically infinite. Having a tool that allows one to objectively measure the difference between what makes us equal to the rest of human beings and what makes us absolutely unique; is surely an individual privilege that is also the dream of all cognitive sciences. In Human Design, this individual difference is not only portrayed in the structure of the physical BodyGraph; but it also reveals the inherent purpose in the fundamental duality with which all human beings come into the world.


As confirmed by all orthodox sciences that investigate the nature of our species, what makes all human equal is the biological form. This is our vehicle for life and through which we operate in the material world. But the thing that makes each of us absolutely unique is the orientation of the cognitive potential; inherent to our form and determines the perception in life of our conscious personality.

This potential is based on the predisposition of our individual brain structure. It is within the very genetic nucleus of the body where the cognitive orientation of the brain is imprinted in response to the quantum field in the very moment of birth.


We call “the difference in the cognitive orientation of each human being individual imprint’, because it provides us with a specific set of human characteristics that will define us - for ‘good’ and for ‘bad’ - during our entire life. These innate characteristics determine the natural predisposition of our physical form to consistency sustain and manifest its individual difference, and also the areas of vulnerability that will keep us dependent on our ability to adapt to material circumstances on a moment-to-moment basis.

For the first time in the long evolution of our species, we have knowledge about the individual potential in each human being; one that’s not based in dogmas nor idealisation about the kind of creatures that we are as a bio form. The BodyGraph is an organic struct that reveals the mechanical model used by our genes to organise the physical life of our bodies; and simultaneously sustain the cognitive functionality of the brain in permanent alignment with the conscious realm of the human personality.


The Human Design system is here to show you that nothing ever was wrong with you, and nothing needs to be more right to be you. Your unique differentiated self is the best you could ever be beyond any homogenised comparison. When you have learned to unlearn what’s no longer serving you, you will feel more at ease and relaxed with what life brings to you, either as challenges or wisdom potential for growth. You will discover your own inner authority to make sensible decisions for navigating your life.


Once we stop fighting our own human characteristics, we instantaneously transcend their limitations. This awakens in us a sense of purpose that is inherent to our presence in the world; and that nobody could ever fulfil in our place. When we accept and transcend our characteristics, the rational mind can stop comparing su with others in order to be able to defined who we are.

This will open our perception to a natural sense of abundance. It was always there, but you were incapable of appreciating it. And there is a reason: your mind was identified with the conditioned attitudes acquired during your earliest childhood. The difference between an homogeneous, grey life and a life that is filled with a natural sense of purpose depends on something as simple as accepting the difference of your individual imprinting, instead of fighting and resisting it.

When we accept the underlying ignorance about the nature of being human wth which we are all born, creative knowing is naturally empowered. It is not comparative. It does not search for a way to improve the ‘old’, but to simply find fulfilment in the ‘new’; which is always the potential that emerges out of the continuum of the ‘here and now’.


The Human Design System is a manual for being a “No Fault Being”. It offers you tools for transformation from the things you couldn’t love about yourself to a place where you can now appreciate who you already are. It opens the door to return to our purity and originality as a human to be what you already are; and allowing ourselves to learn to be in tune with the greater Flo of existence just as it is.

When we know who we are, and accept all experiences in our lives as they are meant to be, perfectly imperfect as the everyday reality without needing anything to be any different. We no longer search for reasons or justification to love oneself. Loving oneself is the most natural thing, and it brings a sensation that transcends all reasons. Experiment it for yourself. Discover the empowerment of your personal magic by learning to trust in your own most intrinsic nature.

Free Introduction to Human Design

How unique and differentiated you are, beyond your imagination.

I have created a one-hour overview introducing the Human Design system and how it might help you. 

Watch introduction